Iowa tribe of kansas and nebraska
The Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska was organized under a constitution and bylaws approved February 26, 1937 pursuant to the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934. The tribe is governed by two bodies, 1) The General Council, which is composed of all enrolled members who are at least eighteen (18) years of age and 2) The Executive Committee, composed of five (5) members (Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member) elected at large from the General Council for four-year terms of office. Both governing bodies shall exercise those governing authorities specifically set out for its use in the tribe’s constitution and bylaws.
Timothy Rhodd
Timothy Rhodd is serving his fourth consecutive term as Chairman. He previously served one term as Secretary. His current term ends in November 2025. You can contact him by phone or email at 785-595-3258; Chair@Iowas.org

Brandon Roberts
Brandon Roberts is serving his first term as Vice Chairman. His current term ends in November 2027. You may contact him by phone or email at 785-595-3258; ViceChair@Iowas.org

Tony Fee
Anthony Fee is serving his fourth consecutive term as Secretary. His current term ends in November 2025. You may contact him by phone or email at 785-595-3258; Secretary@Iowas.org

Robert Hullman
Robert Hullman is serving his first term as Treasurer. His current term ends in November 2027. You may contact him by phone or email at 785-595-3258; Treasurer@Iowas.org

Bradley Campbell
Bradley Campbell is serving his first term as Member. His current term ends in November 2025. You may contact him by phone or email at 785-595-3258; Member@Iowas.org

Executive Committee Meetings
The Executive Committee holds meetings every Wednesday at the Tribal Administrative Office, beginning at 9:00 AM. All meetings of the Executive Committee may be attended by the General Council, which includes enrolled members of the Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska who are at least 18 years of age. If you wish to discuss business with the Executive Committee, please contact Tony Fee to be placed on the agenda by Monday at 10:00am of each week. He can be reached at 785-595-3258 or Secretary@Iowas.org.
General Council Meetings
The annual General Council Meeting is held on the 3rd Saturday in October every year, as specified in the Constitution and Bylaws. Stipulations for additional General Council Meetings can be found in the Constitution and Bylaws.
Constitution and Bylaws
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