A stormy rural landscape with a dark, cloudy sky above a two-lane road and green fields. Overlaid on the image, a bold blue box reads, "The Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska is updating our Hazard Mitigation Plan!" Below the image, text on a white background reads, "Public survey is open now! Please fill out the survey to help us create this plan." The Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska logo appears in the lower right corner

Hazard Mitigation Plan Survey

ATTENTION, TRIBAL MEMBERS AND RESIDENTS OF THE RESERVATION.ITKN is updating our Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). We want your input! Fill out the survey here: https://forms.gle/crPwrbphPx1LDGxC6Natural disasters can have severe impacts on our people, property and economy. These disasters include weather events like flooding, tornadoes, and extreme temperatures. The hazard mitigation plan will help us choose…

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