CEDS Survey

CEDS Survey

Help build your community while earning free play at the White Cloud Casino. Please follow the link to complete a survey to enter yourself to receive $20.00 free play on your player’s card. 

SURVEY LINK: http://bit.ly/38EKcuQ

Additional info: 

  • The survey will conclude on May 1st.
  • Enter the casino after May 1st to check in with players club to have $20.00 the amount to your card.
  • You must complete the survey to be eligible.

The Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska is currently developing a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) to help create a more robust community and provide the foundation to create a greater community. Below is the EDA’s explanation of CEDS and why your participation is invaluable to the process and we are listening.

A CEDS is a strategy-driven plan for regional economic development.  A CEDS is the result of a regionally-owned planning process designed to build capacity and guide the economic prosperity and resiliency of an area or region. It is a key component in establishing and maintaining a robust economic ecosystem by helping to build regional capacity (through hard and soft infrastructure) that contributes to individual, firm, and community success. The CEDS provides a vehicle for individuals, organizations, local governments, institutes of learning, and private industry to engage in a meaningful conversation and debate about what capacity building efforts would best serve economic development in the region.  The CEDS will take into account and, where appropriate, integrate or leverage other regional planning efforts, including the use of other available federal funds, private sector resources, and state support which can advance a region’s CEDS goals and objectives.  Regions must update their CEDS at least every five years to qualify for EDA assistance under its Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance programs.

Thank you for your willingness to participate as your information is invaluable to us through this process as we are strategically planning on how to best build a more robust and stronger community.


David Tam

Economic Development Coordinator for the Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska