Looking for ways to keep up-to-date on Tribal news, events, meetings, and more? Use the links below to stay in-the-know! If you need assistance, please email or call Olivia Brien, Director of Communications, at obrien@iowas.org or (785) 850-8045.
The newsletter is released on a quarterly basis via email, social media, and the Member’s Area. If you would like a hardcopy, you must sign up by calling the main office at (785) 595-3258 or by requesting it through the link below. Deadlines for submissions are:
- Behu (Spring) – February 12
- Mansje (Summer) – May 12
- Nato Xwanye (Autumn) – August 12
- Banyi (Winter) – November 12
Social Media
Facebook and Instagram will have mirrored content, but due to different platforms and algorithms, some are better suited for certain information than others. LinkedIn will primarily include job postings and tribal enterprise news.